Thursday 18 April 2019

OUGD603 - Sports Scouting - Development (Scout Section)

The final section, Scout, gives the user the option to actively seek out players and teams from around the UK. The screens used in this section however, are quite different to the others as they encourage the user to first identify themselves as officials and enable their location. The analytics of the app would then bring up a search option for the scout to choose either to search for certain types of players, events and trials or upcoming matches in their area. 

Using icons as a strong primary drive in the design, I felt that identifying individual player positions would make the page easier to navigate and condense the option of the search. However, if the scout wishes to search more thoroughly there are search bars located above each feature. This way they can search based on city, team, profile views, trophies and achievements, age, adaptability, years active or player record, to suggest a few.

Each part of the different player types contain a list of the top players in their category, but also top stats based on the play styles. For example, the goal keeper category shows players with the most saves of the season, the defenders section shows the highest number of defensive ranked players, midfielders show the highest assists and the strikers as identified by most goals of the season. This helps to narrow down each section according to play style and gives scouts a recommended list of players of interest in the nearby area. Allowing the user to add players to their 'watchlist' below each section makes it easier for them to refer back to when conducting a search for new players. These individual player options can also take the user to the player's profile to get a more in depth look at their style and talent.

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