Thursday 18 April 2019

OUGD603 - Sport Scouting - Evaluation and reflection

I think that by narrowing down these options for a scout would make the app more desirable to those who do not wish to travel long distance across the UK, without first seeing potential players. This app idea also makes scouting a less pressuring process, as some players tend to perform differently on the field when they know a scout is watching their game. Instead, the app allows the players to showcase the best of their talent and connect with potential contacts who may be interested in bringing them to trials. As a result, the app makes sporting careers more easily manageably for players, coaches and scouts alike, without the stressful pressures often found in youth academies.

In the digital age, making a switch to a digital format when planning matches can be good for a team, as it makes coach decisions quicker and more thorough when explaining.  The information can then be shared on the app with players while outside of the game, meaning there can be more time planning prior to a match and an advantage over competitors. Using the app to view other teams gives players a chance to understand their opponent, understanding their weaknesses as well as their talents before meeting face to face. As a result, the app becomes more desirable in a market that lacks digital scouting options in the UK and provides users with ways to improve their skills on the field as well as their future careers as footballers.

Having little to no prior knowledge of wire-framing an application, it was clear to me early in the process that a project such as this would mean thorough investigation of the topic and what features would need to be added in order for it to provide a unique service that no other app can give. By applying a simple layout and colour scheme, the app gave users a simple break down of the options and how best to use them to their own advantage. However, I would have liked to have further explored the functionality of the app and looked into ways to bring it to life using UX and UI design. As I am not equipped with the knowledge of how to do this yet, I plan to use my experience with wire-framing in this project for future reference if I take on something of a similar nature.

Overall, I think that wire-framing was an enjoyable experience that taught me the many different and sophisticated ways to apply design for a format that is currently in high demand. After working with industry professionals, I was able to apply the research findings during my time there to this project. As a result, the project confronted the issue of youth academies and the pressures young players are under when training to become as big as their football idols. The app gave these players a sense of belonging but also highlights the competitiveness of the sport and encourages them to build a profile which showcases their talent, in the hopes that a scout can find their profile and offer them a trial.

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