Wednesday 24 April 2019

OUGD603 - Personal Typographic Signature ( 1 day brief ) Application and Evaluation

To understand how the signature might work in a professional setting, I applied it to a copy of my CV, which could then be seen by employers or potential clients. Adding this to the CV also improve the style and presentation of the document, which could as a result add creative professionalism for others to see. In conclusion to the design, I feel that this brief has allowed me to focus on a simple part of my personal branding but has also tested my ability to create the signature within a time limit. Sketching the ideas and then digitally enhancing them was one way to prove to professional contacts that the design an presentation of my work was creatively considered before hand. This brief also pushed me to organise a time limit on each task, including a time planner that helped to divide the project into manageable sections. Overall, I think that this brief could prove useful for other time constricting briefs and will add to my personal branding identity.

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