Tuesday 30 April 2019

OUGD603 - Quickfire: Logo and Website Homepage - Outcome

Here is the finalised logo for the concept, which was posted to BriefBox in an attempt to receive feedback from the author or other submitting users. This logotype concept helps to convey the idea of colour gradients and how they have been used on the design of the homepage for vegan frozen yoghurt.

The finalised homepage design combined ideas from the development stage and made amends to small details. This included the 'vegan frozen yoghurt' subheading beneath the logo being changed to the blue colour scheme, as this would help it to stand out on the pink background. In order for the homepage header text to become more visually legible, I changed it to a darker shade of blue with the body text beneath remaining navy grey.

Project Rationale
Created to reflect the flavours, sensations and stimulation of eating vegan frozen yoghurt, Froyogo gives audiences a visual representation of chilled, dairy free products. Using a simplistic homepage, Froyogo provides online users with a vegan approach to buying frozen yoghurt. Its contemporary approach to navigation makes shopping for products more enticing, while presenting impressive plant-based options as second to none on the market. Developed with the intention of improving environmental awareness, Froyogo gives customers a frozen yoghurt that not only tastes great but saves the planet while you enjoy.

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