Tuesday 30 April 2019

OUGD603 - Quickfire: Logo and Website Homepage - Initial Ideas

I started off the initial stages by sketching different layouts and ideas for the brief. Some of the visual research that was first looked at provided inspiration for these sketches, as they analysed several approaches. This included the way the desserts in other submissions would show ingredients around the images.

One way to start off the initial stage, involved designing a set of layouts that could reflect a sense of refreshment or sweet flavour.

One idea involved dividing the layout in different flavours, similar to neapolitan ice cream.

When thinking about frozen yoghurt in visual form and how this could be portrayed in the design, I decided to try using various gradient based layouts. The idea here would be to show the sweet flavours of the product and how the flavours mix together. The chosen colour scheme for the layout therefore used this idea to show the pink as an indicator of sweetness, while the light blue refers to the chilled temperature of the dessert. Another thing I had considered after this was the way the body text could contrast from the background.

Creating a logo for the concept, took a similar approach with the use of gradients to convey flavours through colour. The name Froyogo came about when combining the words 'frozen yoghurt'. The ideas for this logo consisted of bespoke inspirations, as well as more playful handwritten styles. In a compromise between the two styles, I chose to use Helvetica Bold and tighten the kerning so that the gradient was made clearly visible in each letter. I also added a small degree symbol to the top right corner of the logotype to indicate temperate, which felt appropriate being placed on the side with colder colour visuals.

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