Tuesday 2 April 2019

OUGD603 - Sports Rebranding - Digital Application

In addition to the mock up designs for Fulham FC's identity rebrand, I decided to take the project a step further and apply the designs to different scenarios. This includes online promotion of the new logo, Instagram posts and product advertising.

The first of these mock ups started with the mobile friendly promotions, starting with a reimagined logo for the Fulham FC app and several Instagram posts.

The Instagram posts would focus primarily on the achievement of the players in recent games. As with many other football club's social media platforms, this was one way that was found to attract fans attention after a recent game and would be a good place for discussion between fans. Therefore, introducing the new logo identity into these posts, would eventually give the club more recognition among the fans online.

The first post would show fans the man of the match, which would then give audiences the option to comment on the post and share thought on the recent performance. This type of post had also been found among other football teams Instagram accounts, making it a suitable approach for the identity to use.

Similar to the last post, recreating promotions for certain players had also been found in several football accounts. Titling this post "Mitro's on fire" referred to the chants known to the fans, based on striker Aleksander Mitrovic and his recent performance at Fulham.

I think a post such as this would resonate well with followers, because on one side it shows Mitrovic's celebration and on the other the support of the fans. Images like these are examples of how the club shows appreciation for its audience and their passion for the sport.

Like most sports team accounts, many often feature posts that promote the products sold in the online stores and at the grounds. Taking this previous design and tweaking it to promote the 2018/19 away kit would give fans and followers links to the products.

Instagram had recently introduced a labelling option for online sellers, making the post more relevant to its audience, as they could tap the image to quickly see the product price tag.

After researching several premier league team's Instagram accounts, it was clear that the majority of their posts were made up of images from recent games. In particular, these accounts would post images of the players who either scored in the game or had prominent coverage for their performance. In the same way, I edited this image of André Schürrle based on his coverage after scoring.

Once the digital application had been explored, I started to think about the physical placement of the advertising in public. To understand the best way to do this, I began by researching the area around Craven Cottage and where the fans would be likely to see advertising in person. As the grounds are based on the edge of the river Thames, one idea would involve advertising near this waterfront so that passers-by would notice these.

Creating a bus stop ad was also appropriate to the project because many of the fans would use the same bus stop to get to the game each week. Therefore, placing these ads at bus stops that are frequently used would help to push the promotion of the products and the new identity.

 Rebranding the stadium store front also allows tourists and fans alike to notice the rebranded identity upon entering the shop.

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