Tuesday 30 April 2019

OUGD603 - Quickfire: Logo and Website Homepage - Brief

Quickfire: Logo and Website for a new vegan frozen yoghurt company

The brief found on BriefBox appealed to me as it was another task that required quick thinking and time management. The time restriction for this brief was between 2 and 4 hours, which was similar to the 5 hour time limit of the signature brief. This also meant that a time plan would once again be a necessary step to managing the project. Before beginning this task, I had several aims in mind in terms of what I hope to achieve by the end of the day. This included the opportunity to record how much work can be produce within the time frame, how well executed the finish process is and to learn more about web design. This could also mean looking at other interpretations of the same brief by other participants that have submitted their concepts.

Time Plan
  • 30 mins - visual research/inspirations
  • 15 mins - sourcing imagery
  • 30 mins - sketching ideas 
  • 1 hour - initial ideas 
  • 45 mins - development
  • 1 hour - finalising and analysing

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