Tuesday 30 April 2019

OUGD603 - Quickfire: Logo and Website Homepage - Development

The concept was limited in its approach to colour, so that it could remain simple and contemporary visually. Therefore I chose these fonts, colours and icons to be the only designs used throughout the development. This would also allow the navigation of the homepage to remain easy to use and familiar to all audiences. 

The layout for the development changed slightly, so that the gradient was used at the homepage navigation bar. At the centre of the page, the audience is presented with the product. This image had been altered so that the dessert matched the pink colours of the gradient.

In the top right hand corner a search button and shopping cart button were added so the website could show visitors they're able to purchase products. To the left the navigation bar was also kept simple with four options to choose from.

Alternatively, the other option was to make the navigation bar white, centre layout gradient colours and the logotype matching. Positioning the dessert image to the bottom left gave the text options a more clear intention of matching in colour. The social media links were also positioned to the right, and utilised a dark grey colour application to contrast with the blue background layer.

In an attempt to compromise between the two ideas, the text to the right remained where it was but used the gradient. The dessert was moved back to the central position and the grey text was used beneath the header, in Helvetica light. 

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