Friday 12 April 2019

OUGD602 - Uniform Internship - Day 5

Today I began developing some of the research ideas I had found yesterday and presented them to other members of Neil's team. They then gave feedback to me on the things they were working on and how my work could be tied into their project. I felt this was good for understanding how each team communicated with one another on different tasks within a project.

I was also able to meet another member of staff who explained to me how he had ended up working for Uniform and the small independent businesses he knew from his time as a free lance graphic designer. He put me in touch with another colleague of his, who owned a part-time clothing label similar to my own. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to meet his contact but he did send me his details, which I plan to use soon when asking for advice about going freelance. I could also ask him what he would recommend for someone in my position and whether going freelance would be a good idea early in my career.

Overall, I had thoroughly enjoyed my time working for Uniform agency as I was able to meet plenty of friendly designers and creatives from different specialties. One thing that I planned to get out of the experience was to find out what life is really like at a design studio for someone who has recently graduated. Although there weren't many recently graduated members of staff, I did get advice from the people I had worked with on ways to break into the industry. It was also a bonus opportunity meeting someone with insight on freelance business and side projects, who was able to put me in contact with other creatives.

The client they were designing for were looking to improve areas of their business through employee awareness, environmental impact and international communication.
Therefore the work that was required included sketching ideas for iconography, ideas about training employees and how well the business communicates between different sectors. They wanted me to illustrate these ideas in different ways, so that a A0 poster could be printed displaying all the information.

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