Friday 22 March 2019

OUGD603 - Youth Culture - Evaluation

As a result of the research led investigation, I was able to learn more about nihilism and how it has become a part of youth culture today. It became clear early on in the project that this subject would need to be thoroughly investigated as it revealed several different interpretations and forms of nihilism. From this, I was then able to learn more about humanism, existentialism and other philosophies relating to nihilism, which subsequently would influence the publication and it's aims. I found that during the early stages of the project, nihilism was somewhat difficult to visualise as one particular thing. Therefore, creating several initial interpretation of positive and negative nihilism would allow for critical review during feedback sessions.

These interpretations were well received during the initial stages, however it was also clear that the visual approach was very much focused on the rejection of religious values rather than authority as a whole. As a result of this, the investigation shifted and I began looking at more general forms of authority rejection. This also provided me with the idea to create something that could both resonate with young audiences and inspire them to pursue success. As nihilism focuses on the rejection of meaning and purpose, I found that this was relatable to many young people who may be under pressures in their lives. Therefore the research began compiling stories of inspiration people and how they overcame difficult times in their lives, to eventually reach success.

The idea to create a publication then brought about more content to be used for the project. This included primary research into volunteer work, scientific discoveries and personal stories, which would as a result inspire the readers to think about what interests them in life and what they wish to achieve. I found that choosing a limited colour scheme that was primarily black and white allowed the publication to stay open to interpretation and symbolise the opposite forms of nihilism. Overall, the publication was able to reflect some of the realities of life, as well as the reasons to make use of the time we have. This is what I believe would influence the young audiences in a way that makes them question their own meaning and purpose. Providing several examples of dedication, passion and generosity could influence young people to find meaning in their lives through pursuit of these things, and furthermore benefit themselves and the people around them.

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