Wednesday 13 March 2019

OUGD603 - Youth Culture - Development 2

I had several different ideas in terms of how each spread might look. As the publication would contain different stories, inspirations and themes, I thought it would be best to first consider the layout of each page and then decide how the content could be reflected in the design. For the most part, the black and white layout would allow the images or designs to communicate themselves visually.

One example of this is shown in the 'Inspire' spread, as it allows the body text and titles to sit comfortably around the image. The black square around the image of J.K. Rowling subtly makes the image more prominent in the spread, while the text revolves around this.

Other pages such as this one contain their own colour palette, as this made them more unique and relative to the story they reflect. As the story mentions particle acceleration, I wanted the spread to visualise the motion and pattern made by the Large Hadron Collider. Therefore, I looked at several maps, plans and example videos of the structure so that I could understand how to best describe its function through graphic format.

Using a mixed colour palette of blues and reds, the design was able to show how particles are smashed together from opposite ends of a machine. The different hues and shades work well at showing how the machine produces different particles when the existing ones combine together.

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