Wednesday 6 March 2019

OUGD603 - Mass Art Day 3

Following on from the findings of yesterday, we began to organise the final tasks that would need completing before combining the design and printing the publication.

Tasks for the day

  • Transcribe the recording of the interview
  • Change the sketches used in the spread
  • Finalise cartoon spread colour for publication
  • Organise pages within the publication
  • Print stickers of the logo on green sticker paper
New Sketches
To replace the sketches used in yesterday's spread, Simon created several sketches that were higher in quality.

These images would be inverted in colour, vectorised and then placed around the spread.

Inverting Sketches
Editing the sketches meant tweaking some of the colours in the puddle and changing several vector points to create a negative image. These images would then be placed in the spread and sent over to Carlos, so that they could be added to the final publication before printing could be finalised tomorrow morning.

Final spread
Here is the final spread ready to be sent to Carlos. The figure to the right of the spread was moved down so that the title of the comic could be placed above it and the page numbers at the corners. The green gradient outline had also been removed, as we all agreed that the comic works well in black and white. This would also work in contrast to the following page, as it would show Simon's illustrative style and then Andrea's illustrative style. Furthermore, the publication could then show the difference between the Leeds Art Uni students work and the Mass Art students work. 

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