Monday 4 March 2019

OUGD603 - Penguin Book Cover 2019 - Development

After deciding to use the typography based idea for the development stage in the project, the colour scheme was then applied in a variety of ways. Finally, I decided to use the deep blue for the central text, dark blue for the author's name and light blue for the background. The spine of the book cover would be used as a separation between the blue on the front and the blue on the back. Therefore, I decided to choose white for the spine and as a result the title became sharper to the viewer.

The back cover of the book focuses on reviews by well known news papers, the iconic quote from the book and a short description of the storyline. Using different weights and alignments for these sections, combined with contrasting shades gave the back cover more legibility and hierarchical focus. As the book was aimed at young audiences, it was important to make sure that the content was not overcrowding and easy on the eye, as well as being quick to interpret. This way the front cover could be seen from a distance and upon close inspection of the back, the text would quickly summarise the success of the book and the story itself.

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