Saturday 16 March 2019

OUGD603 - Statement of Intent (final version)

During the course of extended practice, my aim will be to understand how design is used commercially and professionally by studios and agencies. Exploring a range of media, printing options and digital formats, I plan to build a portfolio of work that focuses on branding identity and promotion.

Some of the themes I plan to look at over the course of the year include societal values, sports promotion and interactivity. Having previously explored some of these ideas before, I feel that building on them while exploring new areas will provide me with the chance to better understand the commercial use of design in a professional context. Furthermore, I plan to use these investigative topics as a way to show employers or potential clients the ways in which I interpret a brief and produce work accordingly.

Having an interest in sports design and having background knowledge of different games, may prove to be a useful starting point for some of my projects. This will help me to begin a search for inspiration and find examples of existing sports design, during research stages throughout the year. I chose to pursue this as an option as it could mean improvements to my portfolio, both visually and academically. Making necessary design choices and assessing the outcomes of these projects will help to work on improving certain areas of my skill set, while learning new skills along the way.

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