Friday 8 March 2019

OUGD603 - Mass Art Day 5

As a result of the project, I was able to contribute several design ideas with the group and collectively we were able to produce this student newspaper within the week. In terms of the materials for the publication, we decided that we wanted it to almost replicate a hybrid between a newspaper and a magazine. Therefore, the cover was printed using thin, rough surfaced paper, while the contents would use a more matte finish. The inner spread that divided the cover from the contents was also a fluorescent green, which went well with the neon colour scheme used throughout.

Featured on the side of each copy was a sticker, using the same fluorescent sticker paper as the inner spread. We decided to have 'Propergander' written on each of these stickers, as we had consider this name for the publication. However, we chose to call it The Mundane Times as we felt this was more reflective of the content inside. Both of these names were thought of when we began compiling different slang terms to use for one of the spreads.

The inner spread shown to the left had also been spray painted using a stencil cut out, similar to the one used for the stickers. This gave the publication a more grungy feel that would reflect some of the creativity of Leeds students, as part of the theme.

Sections included in The Mundane Times

  • Meet the team - a brief introduction to each member of the design team and their roles in the publication.
  • Leeds Fess - a collection of anonymous confessions taken from the popular Facebook page 'LeedsFess'
  • Proper Slang - several slang terms used in Leeds and their meanings.
  • Interviews - 4 different 1-on-1 interviews with Leeds students on recommendations for visitors and freshers.
  • 'Taking a Dip' cartoon - A cartoon strip based on the responses found in the interviews.
  • Point of U - a personal monthly feature about someone of interest to Leeds
  • What's on - a list of events happening during the current month, that may be enticing to students.
  • Submit page - a contact details page for readers to submit monthly content.

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