Tuesday, 17 April 2018

OUGD501 - Practical Outcome

Removing the grid shows that the logotype becomes more focused within the first page.It also makes the features of the menu bar more eye catching.
 However, the images may not look as engaging to the audience when they are placed without a grid. This is especially noticeable around the images that would expand within the grid shape.

The text does however, look better without the use of a grid, as it is more legible in the body text and easier on the eye when reading lines.

One option that could have replaced the expanding images, would be to have them all fully expanded next to one another and making the expansion move to the right of the neighbouring image.

The contact details used at the bottom of the page, work well without the grid because they initially were overlapping lines of the same colour, making some areas hard to read.
As a whole, the webpage looks as though it would work well in communicating a technologically advanced business that specialises in different services.

One thing that may have helped improve the website, would be to have added detailed pages of each navigation and to separate the sections with further options to other features. For example, the social media could have been showcased as an image on its own, separating the details of photography and apps.

Creating further options within each service may have provided the audience with a better idea of how the service works and how they can contact specific departments.

Overall, the website works well in the format that it has taken, but further development may have helped it to look more high tech. For example, the grid could have been kept in places as it worked well in positioning the images on the pages, while giving a structured technological look to the website.

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