Sunday 15 April 2018

OUGD501 - Further Development

The grid that was applied to the layout, would allow for each section of the website to use 5 rows and 8 columns. This would make the designs easier to apply in a structured manner and would make placement of the images more precise and considered.

For each of the 5 x 8 rows and columns, this would be imagined as a full screen page. Therefore, each 5 rows is considered to take the viewer down to the following page.

To begin the design, the logotype was placed at the centre of the first page, making it the focus point of the viewers attention. Scrolling beyond this, would show the menu bar that would feature different options to choose from.

Clicking on one of these options would scroll down the page to that particular section, making navigation quicker for the viewer.
Section 1 would promote the use of virtual reality marketing for the client, with text shown to the left and imagery placed to the right. This would help the viewer to read the information and follow across to the image.

Section 2 would give a brief look at the services provided by VRV. As imagined in the initial stages, the images would enlarge upon waving the curser over them. Here, the viewer could click to find out further details of these services.

Section 3 would show the app marketing service provided by VRV and below it, section 4 and 5 which would show details of photography and 360 video format.

At the bottom of the page, is the contact details for the business. This includes a phone number, email and social media contacts for viewers to follow.

As the web page now stands, it looks as though the grid used for structuring the layout could in fact prove to be a staple part of the design, as it adds to the futuristic style. The next step from here, would be to remove the grid and assess how the pages look without it and how they will look when placed in one continuous page.

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